Child Support When a Child Turns 18 in Texas

The legal age for one to be acknowledged as an adult in Texas is 18 years of age. At this point, he or she may be fully responsible for their financial support. However, there are some cases where a parent may be required to provide child support beyond the age of 18. In this article, we will look into these circumstances and how parents can go about the process of applying for extended child support.

Child support generally ends in Texas when a child turns 18 years old, graduates from high school, or is emancipated by marriage, as ordered by the court. In some cases, a parent can request to extend their court-ordered obligations well beyond the age of 18.

To qualify for a child support extension in Texas, a parent or guardian must provide evidence that their child is still attending high school and working towards graduation.

In some other circumstances, if a court determines that a minor who has reached the age of 18 but is incapable of providing for themselves due to a physical challenge or mental disability, then they may be eligible for continued financial aid from their parents until they reach adulthood or demonstrate that they are capable of providing for themselves.

Parents must file a motion with the court requesting an extension and stating why it should be granted based on the circumstances mentioned earlier. Also, shreds of evidence must be provided to back up their claims and submitted with the motion. The court will review all information provided before deciding whether or not an extension should be granted and how long it should last.

Legally in Texas, a parent is not required to pay support while a child is in college. Neither does the parent need to provide for their child’s college expenses as part of their child support obligations.

A qualified family law attorney in Texas can help parents or guardians through the process of child support extension and ensure that all legal requirements are met before any changes are made to an existing court order. Parents must also understand the laws and legal reasons for requesting an extension.

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