

Are you facing an immigration issue?

We handle immigration cases with integrity and care. We understand that this is the most important journey that you have embarked on, so we bring our years of experience in making sure that your goal is achieved.

What is Immigration?

Immigration refers to the process by which individuals become permanent residents or citizens of another country. Throughout history, immigration has had significant social, economic, and cultural impacts on states. The immigration experience is diverse and has often led to the development of multicultural societies. Many modern countries are characterized by a wide range of cultures and ethnicities that have originated from past immigration periods.
There are various types of United States immigration status, including:

An individual who is born in the United States or has a parent who is a U.S. citizen at the time of their birth is considered a U.S. citizen. These individuals have the right to live, work, and vote in the U.S. and are eligible for certain federal benefits, such as educational loans and social services. U.S. citizens cannot be forced to leave the country or be deported.

An LPR, also known as someone with a “green card,” has permission to live and work in the United States. However, they are not eligible for certain benefits such as voting and some social services. An LPR may travel in and out of the country as long as they do not spend an extended period abroad. They may only be deported if they are convicted of certain crimes or violate an immigration law.

A temporary visitor is someone who has been granted permission by the government, usually in the form of a visa, to live in the United States for a limited period of time and for a specific purpose (such as studying, working, visiting family, or tourism). These visas usually have expiration dates and if the immigrant does not renew it before it expires, they will no longer have legal immigration status.

An individual who does not have permission to live or work in the United States and is at risk of deportation.

Anyone who is not a U.S. citizen and does not have a green card or current visa is considered undocumented.

The Immigration and Nationality Act (INA)

The Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) controls the proceedings for detention and removal in cases where foreign nationals enter without permission, overstay their visas, or lose their legal status.

Being informed about U.S immigration laws and regulations can help immigrants avoid negative encounters with the law and feel more confident in their daily lives.

Don't go it alone

Don't wait, reach out to us today for help. Act now and schedule a consultation with one of our experienced Texas immigration attorneys. We are here to assist you and guide you through the process.

Contact us today and let us help you navigate the complex world of immigration law.

We're Here to Help

United States Immigration Court

The immigration court, also known as the Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR), is an administrative court that determines whether a non-citizen has the right to enter or remain in the United States. Immigration judges preside over these proceedings and may also consider bond amounts and forms of relief from removal. There are over 60 immigration courts in the U.S., with 13 located in Texas. Hearings may take place in person or through video conferencing.

Navigating the United States immigration process can be challenging, and many individuals choose to work with an attorney to help them through the process. Cases in immigration court typically involve non-citizens who have been charged with immigration law violations by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). If an immigration judge grants a removal order, the DHS can begin the deportation process.

Unlike criminal court proceedings, non-citizens do not have a right to an attorney if they cannot afford one, which can make the process even more difficult. However, U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents can file visa petitions for their family members abroad.

If faced with deportation, it is recommended that an individual works with an experienced immigration lawyer to avoid the costs and stress of a prolonged process. A deportation defense lawyer can analyze the charges against a deportee, stand between the individual and the judge, develop theories of defense, represent the individual at trial, and protect against flawed decisions. Additionally, an attorney with experience in immigration appeals can help navigate the process at a higher court.

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6464 Savoy Drive, Suite 555, Houston, TX 77036

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